Health: Nanaimo

AVI health and community services logo

AVI Health Centre

(250) 754-9111

102-55 Victoria Rd.

This service operates 9 a.m. -to 5 p.m., Monday to Thursday 

AVI provides methadone maintenance for opiate addiction through a holistic and integrated not-for-profit model, provides substance abuse counselling, nursing, Hep C and HIV/AIDS counselling, support and treatment.

Community Disease Clinic

(250) 740-2615

8-1599 Dufferin Crescent

This service operates from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (appointments required) 

Counselling and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, testing and referral for communicable diseases and TB and Central Island viral hepatitis services.


lady dressed in blue hospital garb
community outreach dental endeavour dental office

Community Outreach Dental Endeavour (CODE)

(250) 591-0071

[email protected]

489 Wallace Street

Not for profit dental clinic. Patients are asked to make a donation to the clinic for their treatments. 

Nanaimo Regional General Hospital

Nanaimo Hospital

(250) 755-7691

1200 Dufferin Crescent

The hospital is open 8 a.m. – 6:15 p.m., 7 days a week, but the emergency room is open  24/7