Housing: Nanaimo

Salish Lelum Youth and Elders Housing

Salish Lelum Youth and Elders Housing


(250) 716-3438 

479 Tenth Street

This service operates between 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday  

Tillicum Lelum’s new housing complex for elders & youth.  Building has laundry facilities, a computer lab, outdoor BBQ, patios, and lots of common areas. 

Indigenous Housing Navigator

(250) 753-6578.

Provides advocacy, case management, benefit establishment, linkages to services and stable housing and other services for Aboriginal families and those who are homeless or at-risk of being homeless; and those with a history of living in substandard housing. The Housing Navigator will provide support by helping clients create a plan to address barriers in maintaining and sustaining permanent housing.

indigenous home with tee-pee in the front
NFA rainbow tree logo

Seniors Housing Information and Navigation Ease (S.H.I.N.E)


1 250 754 3331 EXT. 205

Fax: (250) 753-0268 


1070 Townsite Road

This service operates  9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday 

The SHINE Program doesn’t provide housing, however, Seniors’ Housing Navigator, Kirsten Brooker, helps to provide seniors with support in navigating housing agencies like BC Housing, advising on the BC Residential Tenancy Act, and eligibility for federal and provincial government housing supports, in addition to providing referrals to other needed seniors programs.